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4. Club Insurance Schedule

Please find below the details of our club personal accident insurance schedule through Sportsguard:

Certificate Number:- 0025857/15/WB - SKLN100

Name of Assured:- Ashbourne Aztecs Football Club
Insured Sport:- Football (Soccer)
Number of Teams:- 19 playing matches
The Insured Person:-
All playing members including officials recorded on
the team register prior to participating in team
events and matches.
Geographical Limits:- United Kingdom
Period of Insurance:-
From: 14/07/2017 to: 30/06/2018
(both dates inclusive - Greenwich Mean Time)

Schedule of Compensation

For a full description of the cover provided, refer to the Certificate and any attaching Endorsements.
1. Death from Illness £10,000
2. Accidental Death resulting from Bodily Injury £10,000
3. Permanent Disability up to £30,000
4. Disability Assistance Expenses up to £10,000
5. Permanent Total Loss of Sight in One or Both Eyes £25,000
6. Permanent Total Loss of Use of One or More Limbs £25,000
7. Permanent Total Loss of Speech £25,000
8. Permanent Total Loss of Hearing in Both Ears £25,000
9. Permanent Total Loss of Hearing in One Ear £10,000
10. Loss of Internal Organ £6,250
11.Emergency Dental Expenses (for the immediate relief of pain)
up to £100
12. Emergency Medical Expenses up to £150
13. Fracture of a Bone in the arm or leg* £150
14. Fracture of a Bone in the collarbone or cheekbone* £150
15. Fracture of a Bone in the hand or foot* £50
16. Dislocation of the hip, knee, shoulder or elbow*** £150
17. Facial Scarring (more than 4cm in length)**** £250
18.Hospital Confinement for each completed night in hospital as an in-patient
£15 per night
Benefit Period: 30 nights
19. Coma Benefit for each completed 24-hour period £25 per day
Benefit Period: 365 days
20. Legal Advice or Counselling Covered
21.Temporary Total Disablement for Employed (Club Officials)**
£50 per week
Benefit Period: 52 weeks
Excess Period: 14 days
22.Temporary Total Disablement for Unemployed (Club Officials)**
£20 per week
Benefit Period: 26 weeks
Excess Period: 14 days
In witness, where of this schedule has been signed by Sportsguard.
Date of Issue: Friday, 14 July 2017